Living and Non-living organisms

Photostory video

Friday, December 5, 2008

Lesson using technology in field experience

Utah Valley University
Teacher Education Program
Lesson Planning Guide

Name:__Jackie Jarvis and Jenny Olson________________________ Date_11/3/08________ Time_30 minutes___
Grade Level: __5th _________________ Subject:_Social Studies_________ Cooperating Teacher _Claudia Jex____

I. Utah State Core Curriculum Standard(s)
Standard 3 - Students will understand the roles of civic life, politics, and government in the lives of Utah citizens.

The student will understand the definitions and the meaning of the preamble

II. Lesson Objective(s)/Goal(s)
a. The student will know the meaning of the words in the preamble
b. The student will do: Given the information, they will be able to recite the preamble with 100% accuracy.

III. Preparation (teacher materials, student materials, etc.)
Teacher materials: Computer, illustrated preamble, worksheet, school house rock video on preamble

IV. Technology Use:
Computer – You tube, school house rock video on preamble, projector

V. Instructional Procedures:
a. Hook: Show school house rock video on preamble
b. State the Objective: Today we will learn the meaning of the words in the preamble.
c. New Material: Present the illustrated preamble and go through the definitions.
d. Guided Practice/Assess: Having an open discussion on the meaning of the words
e. Independent Practice/Assess: Worksheet on definitions in the preamble
f. Closure/Review: Review all the definitions on the worksheet

VI. Accommodation(s) for Diverse Learner(s)

VII. Evaluation of Student Progress
a. Pre-assessment – going through the illustrated preamble and seeing what definitions they know
b. Formative – Observe each student as they are working on worksheets
c. Post-assessment – Students will be able to recite the preamble with 100% accuracy.


Happy Thanksgiving

Watch a video about kids your age who use google.


Here is a fun science project you can do with milk, soap, and food coloring.
